The South King County Music Teachers Association (SKCMTA) is dedicated to sharing the joy of music with each student and with the regional community.
Through rigorous and innovative educational programs and activities, the teacher members of SKCMTA uphold artistic and ethical standards of excellence in their music teaching; encourage the study and performance of music at all levels; provide music instruction for all ages; stimulate public interest in and patronage of music; and foster in society a lifelong commitment to the art of music.
SKCMTA is a local chapter of WSMTA which is affiliated with MTNA.
2020-2021 Officers
President: Julie Swienty, NCTM
Vice President: Jessica Andrews
Treasurer: Julie Swienty, NCTM
Secretary: Dorothy Sica, NCTM
For the latest program and committee updates, please see the Concento Newsletter.
Archives: William Chapman Nyaho, NCTM
Chapter Honors Competition: Sviatlana Riedel
Certification: Karen Hollenback, NCTM
CHC Winners and Music Artistry Program Recitals: Samantha Yeung
Hospitality: Dianne Nichols
Membership: Mary Kaye Owen, NCTM
Music Artistry Program (Piano): Samantha Yeung
Music Artistry Program (Voice): Darcie Fulkerson
Music Literacy Program (MLP): Dr. Steve Nehrenberg and Joanne Corr
Music Festivals: Mary Kaye Owen, NCTM
Newsletter (Concento): Heather Forbes
Publicity: Chen Liang
Scholarship: Nancy Gregory
Student Recitals: Sviatlana Riedel
Sunshine: Mary Kaye Owen, NCTM
Teacher to Teacher Mentoring: Mary Kaye Owen, NCTM
Technology/ Website: Samantha Yeung
Yearbook: Joanne Corr
Young/Junior Artist Master Series (YAMS/JAMS): Julie Swienty, NCTM
Young Composers Project: Dr. Steve Nehrenberg